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Ambiguity Management - The Emerging Scenarios

Radio took over 38 years to reach 50 million people; for television, it took only 13 years, and the World Wide Web did it in just 5 years. Computer processing costs have fallen drastically to one-hundredth of 1 % in the 1970s. Today’s automobiles have more computer processing power than the first lunar landing craft. What next? 9/11 changed the Aviation industry overnight, Dot went through boom and bust, oil prices were unstable, and Economies were volatile. What next? Consequent Realignment. Emerging technologies can establish new industries or change those that already exist. Add to it a dynamic and unpredictable environmental impact.

There is an ever-increasing danger of Disruptive Change. In organizations today, the knowledge worker is the norm, technical and human components are inextricably blended, and jobs are less tightly defined. Customers, directly and regularly, influence work within the organization, and Teams produce the basic units of work rather than individuals.

What next? Managing the Transition. Managers worldwide are going through many common difficulties in making the transition from Established Technology to Emerging Technology and through environmental impacts like Globalization and the IT Revolution. Forecasting is challenging because of technological advancements, innovations, dynamic environments, and market conditions. Complexity, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity have become the norm.

How do we manage Ambiguity in this rapidly changing environment? Youphoria has tailored an Experiential Training Program Youphoria Outbound & Adventures on Managing Ambiguity through Creativity, Innovation, and Team Synergy. The program Youphoria Outbound on enacting a change to rethink and retool tactics and strategies to take advantage of ambiguity and outperform the competition.

Ambiguity Management

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Identifying the missing pieces in the organization or the fading magic of it or perhaps just a lack of acceptance of the same; one of these is enough to get any organization into the act. As it is been rightly said “Acceptance first step towards transformation.” You cannot change if you don’t know where to start and those around you!

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